Forsaken Trailer

We have been working really hard on Forsaken, editing, visual effects, music and its really pulling together. Hopefully the full film be released in February.

Watch the trailer for Forsaken. Hope you like it and comment below (watch it in HD!)

Forsaken- editing well underway!

We are working hard on the editing and doing the effects for Forsaken. After all of the principle photography over the summer, we are now left with only filler scenes that may be needed. These are important close ups, long shots or specific actions that help to make the scenes more involved or clarify a certain action or reaction.

We are editing in Adobe Premiere, which has its benefits, not least the ability to preview render and export preview versions of the film from time to time. We do this when going out to shoot any incidental shots, and we can compare angles and continuity with the shot we are getting. So, multiple audio tracks, multiple video tracks and the application of colour correction and music.

The majority of the visual effects have been completed in After Effects. Some of which require some pretty heavy tracking to hand-held camera shots. Getting to grips with the production pipeline of these applications is part of the learning curve, and Ben has been refining the way we do things on a weekly basis. Everything from how to manage your folders in the Project list, to rules over what gets dome in AE and what is better in Premiere.

Needless to say, we are working hard and the short will be released soon!